What are the methods of voting in the Lok Sabha?
There are six methods of voting Voice Vote,Division,Secret Ballot,Recording of votes by distribution of slips,Physical count of Members in their places instead of a formal division,Casting Vote.
The procedure regarding Voting and Divisions in the House is governed by
article 100(1) of the Constitution and Rules 367, 367A, 367AA and 367B of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha.
There are six methods adopted for voting in the Lok Sabha i,e :
(i) Voice Vote: It is a simple method for deciding a question put by the Chair on a motion made by a Member. Under this method, the question before the House is determined by the `Ayes’ or the `Noes’, as the case may be.
(ii) Division : There are three methods of holding a Division, i.e. (a) by operating the Automatic Vote Recording Equipment; (b) by distributing `Ayes’ and `Noes’ slips in the House; and (c) by Members going into the Lobbies. However, the method of recording of votes in the Lobbies has become obsolete ever since the installation of the Automatic Vote Recording Machine.
(iii) Secret Ballot: During an ‘open’ voting period, the individual results are shown by the three Colours: Green for ‘Ayes’, Red for ‘Noes’ and Yellow for ‘Abstain’ on the Individual Result Display Panel. Secret voting, if any, is held on similar lines except that the Light Emitting Diode (LED) on the Individual Result Display Panel flashes only white light to show that the vote has been recorded.
(iv) Recording of votes by distribution of slips: The method of recording of votes by Members on `Ayes’ and `Noes’ slips is generally resorted to in the eventuality of (i) sudden failure of the working of the Automatic Vote Recording Equipment; and (ii) at the commencement of the new Lok Sabha, before the seats/division numbers have been allotted to Members.
(v) Physical count of Members in their places instead of a formal division: If in the opinion of the Chair, a Division is unnecessarily claimed, he/she may ask the Members who are for `Ayes’ and those for `Noes’, respectively, to rise in their places and on a count being taken, he/she may declare the determination of the House. In such a case, the particulars of voting of the Members are not recorded.
(vi) Casting Vote: If in a Division the number of `Ayes’ and `Noes’ is equal, the question is decided by the casting vote of the Chair. Under the Constitution, the Speaker or the person acting as such cannot vote in a Division; he/she has only a casting vote which he/she must exercise in the case of equality of votes.
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